We were assign to design a Survival Kit from the USM inventions to go on with the IBU and show how it is to be used during the disaster time....
The inventions apply to my Survival Kit are:
*A Innitative Agro-Based Ingredient-Pumpkin Flour as a New Generation Source of Fibre & Natural Colourant in Bakery Product, Bread, 2007
*Product: Air Injection Nozzel for solid-liquid separation using dissolved air flotation process,2006
*Ceraplant- Development of Ceramic Hydroxyapatite from Natural Bonefor Medical uses,2005
*UV B Radiation at Penang, 2005
Innitative Agro-based Ingredient- Pumpkin Flour
Well bread is one of the most widely consumed food products eaten by all age groups. As a result of that, i choose a machine to conduct the production of pumpkin bread.
As we know that, Pumpkin flour(PF) is a good source of dietary fibres, resistant starch and natural colourant. Besides that, it has longer shelf-life compared to other foods.
It provides carotenoids which serve as provitamin A and antioxidant. Research proven that, PF provides carotenoids which add as provitamin A and antioxidant. It plays an important role in reducing the risk of developing certain type of cancer and also offers protection against heart diseases because it is rich in b-carotene. Meanwhile, it also helps to reduce blood glucose level.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
Based on my knowledge and understanding, dissolved air flotation (DAF) is used as portable water treatment to remove the particles in the water so that it can be reduced to a limit best for drinking purposes. The process is more preffered because it could treat more water compared to conventional sedimentation.
According to the study,(DAF) is a process used for the separation of suspended solids and dispered liquid from a liquid by additional of saturated air-water mixture which releases micro bubbles. The micro air bubbles adgere to or enmesh in the suspended composite perticles, which then rises to the surface due to their reduced in density. Skimming operation removes the particles floated to the surface.
The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAC) ia an aircraft that flies without a human crew on board the aircraft.It was developed using pre-preg carbon composite material aand instrumented with GPS navigation, autonomous control, batteries, servos, transmission unit and a digital camera.
The purpose of applying this invention to my survival kit is as analternative to manned operation likes search and rescue, patrol, surveillance and also military application...
eg: if one of the pondok or the enemy attack the barrier this ceraplane will send a signal to the ibu to seek for protection or help...
UV Radiation detector
It is used to measure the harmful solar ultra-violet radiation reaching to the earth surface...
It also monitor and provided information on the radiation level climatology. Alarm or signal will be send to the ibu when it receive feedback of great change to the UV radiation at that particular area.
The product...
....THE END....